The Apprentice – one week to go

The Apprentice, the UK version, starts again 25 March on BBC 1 at 9PM.

The candidates have been announced for what is billed as “the job interview from hell”. As in other years there’s a range of ages; 21 to 36, and a range of occupations; lawyer, teacher, sandwich maker, consultant and a fair few who are already managers.

On paper the sandwich maker – actually a young guy who has built up a chain of sandwich shops and already makes more than the job offers – looks interesting. Young, driven, no education are all characteristics guaranteed to appeal to Sir Alan Sugar (SAS). However the big question, if he’s already earning so much and has been so entrepreneurial why go for this? SAS is likely to conclude that it’s for media exposure and that won’t score points.

An unlikely candidate is Anita Shah, a highly-educated articulate woman. SAS tends to throw these out in the first couple of week unless they show big personality (read; are very annoying) and are therefore good TV.

CM200903_apprentice02This year we get to play along – there’s an online score counter so you can follow who others think will be fired, and add your opinion to the mix. I’m assuming I’ll be able to play along from outside the UK.Last year’s winner lied on his CV, imitated a pterodactyl in an interview, and frankly showed little leadership in any of the tasks. It can only be up from there.